
We are interested in advancing research about the ecological role of fire, how climate, fire and vegetation are related over time and space, and how management can promote the beneficial aspects of fire and minimize the negative consequences.


Post-fire conifer and aspen regeneration
What predicts natural tree regeneration after one or more fires?
Post-fire conifer and aspen regeneration
Modeling fuel treatment effectiveness for reducing the risk of watershed degradation
How can fuel treatments reduce the risk of downstream damage to reservoirs and fish habitat?
Modeling fuel treatment effectiveness for reducing the risk of watershed degradation
Planting aspen in high-severity fire footprints
What are best practices for successfully planting aspen in post-fire settings?
Planting aspen in high-severity fire footprints
Aspen as a fuel break
When and where do aspen forests change fire behavior or effects?
Aspen as a fuel break
Fuel treatment effectiveness in Utah
Where and when are fuel treatments effective in meeting land management objectives?
Fuel treatment effectiveness in Utah
Patterns of fire severity
Patterns and trends in fire severity
Patterns of fire severity
Fire severity influences on wildlife
How do fires affect wildlife?
Fire severity influences on wildlife


If you are interested in joining the lab, please contact me.